| Planned Giving
Everything we do, we do because we believe in God's profound love for you.
You don't have to listen to a sermon to receive our help, but want you to know that the help you receive is a direct results of God's love for you and His desire to know you. No matter what has happened in your life...your are still a child of God.
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lives today!
With gift planning, you can provide long-lasting support for The Salvation Army in your local community, while enjoying financial benefits for yourself.
Milton and Beatrice have been faithful supporters of The Salvation Army. They believe it is important to support and encourage The Salvation Army in its mission to serve others.
Milton: Several years ago, Beatrice and I decided to become part of The Salvation Army's mission. I remembered how The Salvation Army helped me. We wanted to help them, help others. For that reason, Beatrice and I have made cash donations over the years to help others.
Beatrice: We wanted to do more than to just make gifts. Milton and I have been careful over the years and have accumulated some resources. We plan to be generous with family, but we also have the ability to be generous with charity.
After talking it over, we decided to leave a bequest in our Will. Our attorney took the simple language available from The Salvation Army and included a nice bequest. We are delighted that we will be helping others through The Salvation Army.
Please note: The name and image above is representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization. Since the charitable purpose of your bequest may be different from this person, you may want to contact us to discuss a bequest.
You also may want to make it easy and convenient to have a bequest included in your will. The language link below shows how a bequest can very easily be included in your will.
You might find it helpful to print this page and the bequest language. Please feel free to give this information to your attorney. If you have any questions, please call 800-298-6532.
Click Here to review sample bequest language.
*Please note: The name and image above is representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization.